The Little Angels

The greatest gift from God is the children we have and we must assure they are always happy and smiling. Tohfay is with you in this and has come up with the most loving combinations that every child would not just be delighted to see, but will absolutely adore!


Chocolates and an adorable teddy to cuddle and sleep with!


Incase you want to say sorry to your munch-kin for the scolding she got for messing up the room, or  her birthday is finally here a tweety and this crunchy delicious cake is the gift you have been looking for


Lunch boxes and water bottles are a battle in school of who’s got the best!  lets WIN IT FOR THEM

THIS is not just it dear fellas! Tohfay has many more combiation of gifts awaiting the touch of our little ones. log onto and make your angels the happiest